This is not just an article, but a unique in depth overview of the globalist's strategy to use Covid-19 as an excuse to create global tyranny.
You will see how they suppress every effective cure for Covid-19, so they can enforce a very dangerous vaccine onto all of humanity. This vaccine will contain nanotechnology that connects us to artificial intelligence and start the process of transhumanism, making us hybrids that lose the ability to think freely. If you think that's insane, you're right. It is pure madness, but it's nevertheless the hidden agenda behind the vaccine for Covid-19.

Nothing is about your well-being, but everything is about creating a world of control. Read the entire report to see the facts for yourself.
You will also see abundant evidence that the pandemic has been planned for decades and how everything is orchestrated with mass fraud, global bribery, unprecedented censorship and extreme corruption in media, and governments.
Don't read this if your time is limited. Choose a shorter topic here if you are in a hurry. If you want to get the full scope of what is happening in our world, and see all the evidence, then proceed.
May you find the courage to face the truth,
and experience how it awakens you to become a hero,
who fights for the freedom of humanity.